Reset password not working

If you are seeing a "User not found" message when attempting to reset your password, it is likely due to:

  1. You used a different email address when signing up (so please try that)
  2. OR, you never created an account (we don't require account registration to use the app)

If it's the latter, and you are now using a new phone/tablet, you should be able to create an account on your old device and then sign in on your new one. That said, if you don't care about your previous progress (e.g. number of completed quizzes, etc), you could simply use the "restore purchases" option within Settings on your new device to restore Pro if you had it. To do so:

  1. Open the app
  2. Go to Settings (tap the cog/gear icon up the top right)
  3. Scroll down a bit and tap "Restore purchases"

If none of these work, please just reach out to and we will help you as soon as possible.

– Jane and Brian

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